Abash (ah bash) v. : to make ashamed or uneasy
Tony was abashed when he discovered he had no cash.
Joe was not at all abashed when he is naked in public.
Jen was abashed and quickly put down the receiver.
Ablution (ah bloo shun) n : a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual; the liquid used in such an act
The solution for baby’s ablution
The priest performed his ablutions in private.
The witch doctor used ablutions of clear water to cleanse the stricken man of his illness.
The ablutionary water seemed to help the suffering woman.
Abstract (ab strakt) adj : difficult to understand; impersonal; theoretical
Be wary of salesmen with abstract contracts
Dad’s paintings were abstract, we couldn’t tell what they were.
Christopher’s directions to his house were so abstract that we were lost for two hours.
Though Joe thought his ideas were sound, we considered them abstract.